Board Certified Eye Doctor Serving Miami Lakes FL

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Searching for a board certified eye doctor in Miami Lakes, FL? Dr. Maria Briceno Martin at LakesEyeCare.Com would like to invite you to our family practice

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Many families who use eyewaer and are searching for the best eye doctor in Miami Lakes, FL., are taking time off their schedule to see LakesEyeCare.Com.Why? This is there are two types of people in this world. The ones that want the best and the other who settle for what’s available. That does not make you any different and the reality is that we are all guilty of it in one way or the other. Families drive down to Lakes Eye Care Center and see Dr. Maria Briceño Martin because of her qualification and a personalized service that is not found in many of those large stores. Many of us grew up counting on Sears Optical. At these places they found professional optometrist who come to know and establish a relation with. At JC Penny Eye care Center you could also find the latest in fashion eyewear at a reasonable cost. Dr. Maria Briceno Martin at Lakes Eyecare Center is trying her best to maintain this old world type of service by providing a family environment not regularly seen in today’s world. If you are looking for a friendly eye doctor in Miami Lakes, FL., we urge you to consider Dr. Maria Briceno Martin.

Tips For Choosing The Right Eye Doctor

Maintaining the best vision is becoming far more difficult than ever before. With all the growing utilization of blue light releasing screens, far more people than in the past are experiencing eye stress related eyesight failures even just in earlier stages of life. Below, we would be reviewing some of the key ways of deciding on the best optometrist to assist you maintain healthy range of vision.

  1. Name – The biggest thing that you want to do when you are planning to locate an excellent optometrist that you can use is always to keep an eye on their standing. You would like to really seek out an optometrist that has a proper online reputation on the many online review sites. Using this method, you should certainly completely remove the vast majority of options that are not worth attention. By looking for the eye doctor who has the best reputation, you are going to be much better able to select a good one.
  2. Education – You also want to monitor the optometrists’ credentials and discover one that is going to offer you the best service. In the end, you want to select one that is going to turn out to be an asset to sustaining optimal eye health. The better qualifications as well as the the better qualified they may be, the better satisfaction you can have if you select them.
  3. Equipment – Another important thing that you want to consider if you are shopping around for the right eye doctor is the type of technology they are using. Ideally, you would like to get the optometrist that offers the best technology because it is going to allow them to really have the capacity to identify eye defects you may well be experiencing and a lot more. The better the device and technology they have got, the better they should be able to offer you superior eye tests.
  4. Proficiency – Know-how is something that you want to find in virtually any industry, but you truly want to put a significant amount of effort on locating an eye doctor with experience because they will likely be in a position to properly diagnose you and also find out the most effective strategy. Any experienced professional will know exactly what to test for rather than the need to guess or experiment.
  5. Affordability – One more thing that you would like to attempt to identify in your optometrist would be affordability. You must locate one who will offer you check-ups and tests within your budget. You need to be sure that not merely are the costs stated in advance but that you aren’t going to be charged any additional fees in the end. Yet, that does not mean you should imagine a unique option according to price alone. It is better to find one which supplies a good blend of a good price and lots of experience. This way, you are able to receive the best eye care for the money.

As a whole, there are plenty of things that you should do to identify the proper optometrist. By following the tips above, you will be able to identify the best choice for you. However, nowadays not a lot people have the time to take a drive to Lakes Eyecare but all we ask is that if you or your co-workers is not happy with your Miami Lakes eye doctor to try us. It is a well-known fact that individulas who go to search engines looking for my eye Dr. Miami Gardens end up choosing a lower quality optometrist in Miami Lakes than those who get co-workers for referrals. Nevertheless if still nedd more details about Vision Center Price List, please, visit our blog or give us a call at (305) 456-7313 for a FREE no obligation consultation…

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All You Need to Know About Eye Allergies

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We all know that annoying feeling of having something in your eyes. But if there is nothing in there, yet you still have red, itchy and irritated eyes, then you might have an allergy. The symptoms of an eye allergy include:

  • red eyes
  • itches
  • burning eyes
  • sneezing
  • a stuffy or a runny nose
  • watery eyes (tears)
  • swollen eyelids

What Causes Eye Allergies?

It is estimated that in the United States around 50 million people have seasonal allergies. The substances that are causing these reactions are called allergens. There are a wide variety of triggers, including:

  • outdoor allergens: pollen
  • indoor allergens: pet dander, dust, and mold
  • irritants: perfume, cigarette smoke or diesel exhaust
  • chemicals: some cosmetic products or eye drops

Allergies to certain foods or to bee stings do not usually affect the eyes as much as the above-mentioned triggers.

How They Develop

An allergy appears when the immune system overreacts to a stimulus that usually doesn’t do any harm to most people. When the allergen gets in contact with the eyes, it releases histamine and other chemicals that cause very small blood vessels to leak. The eyes then become red, watery and itchy.

An eye allergy has the same symptoms as some other eye diseases, so that’s why it is very important to get a good diagnosis right from the start. See your doctor as soon as possible and he might suggest visiting an allergist. This doctor will perform various tests that will reveal the exact cause of your allergy.

How to Treat Eye Allergies?

Step 1: Prevention

An old saying states that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. So the first and most important step in treating such an allergy would be to avoid the allergens in the first place.

During periods when pollen is high, try to stay indoors as much as possible. Also turn on the air conditioner in order to filter the air. Make sure that the filters on the device are of high quality and replace them regularly.

When outside, wear glasses (or sunglasses) in order to prevent pollen from reaching your eyes. Also, make sure that the pollen filter in your car is clean and changed frequently, and that you drive with your windows closed.

In case you are wearing contact lenses, try to remove them during this period and wear glasses instead. This is because lenses can attract and accumulate allergens. You can also choose to wear disposable contact lenses that are only used once, thus not allowing allergens to build up.

If you also have a sensitivity to strong light and it’s causing your allergic reactions, you can wear glasses that have photochromic lenses. They change color and adapt according to the intensity of the light, thus protecting your eyes.

In case of allergy to dust mites, it’s recommended to use mite-proof bed covers and for mold allergies to definitely avoid rooms that have it. Get rid of the mold as soon as it starts to appear, and use a dehumidifier to prevent it from developing again.

For pet dander allergies avoid getting in contact with the animals that are causing the allergy (usually cats) and wash your hands after petting an animal. In case of allergies to certain chemicals, try to avoid them as much as possible.

Step 2: Over-the-counter eye drops

Since allergies are so common all over the world, there are a wide variety of products available in drug stores (artificial tears, decongestants, oral antihistamines, and others). Their goal is to reduce the redness of the eyes and to decrease itchiness and watery eyes.

They reduce the symptoms, but they do not cure the allergy itself. They can work great for allergies that are not severe and can be less expensive than prescription medication. But be aware that you can’t use them for a longer period of time, and some of them may have negative effects.

Step 3: Prescription medication

But in case the allergy is more serious and over-the-counter products don’t work, you need to see a doctor and he will prescribe various medication. This may include one or more of the following: corticosteroids, antihistamine products, decongestants, NSAID, allergy shots, eye drops or mast cell stabilizers.

Types of Allergies

The SAC (Seasonal Allergic Conjunctivitis) 

This is by far the most common one and it mostly happens during spring, summer or fall, when pollens are abundant in the air. People get the common symptoms mentioned above (red and burning eyes, itching and tears, a runny nose, sneezing etc.), and those with the chronic disease also have dark circles under their eyes.

For some people the itching is so bothering that they rub their eyes, causing even more harm. There is also the PAC (the perennial allergic conjunctivitis), which has the same symptoms but can happen all year round to people that are not allergic to pollen, but they are to dust mites, mold or pet dander.

The Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis

This is more severe than the SAC, and can happen year round, usually to boys and young men. Most patients also have eczema or asthma. Symptoms include itching, heavy tearing and mucus, photophobia and feeling like there is something in your eyes. It needs to be treated, otherwise it can cause the loss of eye sight.

The Atopic Keratoconjunctivitis 

It has similar symptoms to the previously mentioned type and it usually affects older men with allergic dermatitis. It can also cause serious health issues if left untreated.

The Contact Allergic Conjunctivitis

As the name implies, it happens because of an allergic reaction to the contact lenses or to the proteins that bind to their surface. The symptoms are similar to the previous types, plus a discomfort when wearing the lenses.

The Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis

This type is also caused by wearing contact lenses, but it’s a more severe form. In this case, fluid sacs are formed in the upper lining of the eyelid and can cause serious discomfort, itching, tearing and also a blurred vision.

The person cannot stand wearing the lenses and has the feeling of a foreign body in the eye. The eye lids appear as puffy and mucous discharges may also form.

We hope you learned something new today, or maybe have an idea of what it is that is causing those pesky itchy eyes.  Please seek medical care if your symptoms worsen or do not resolve with common treatments.

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