Board Certified Eye Doctor Serving Coconut Grove Miami Florida

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Are you looking for a board certified optometrist in or near Coconut Grove Miami, FL? Dr. Maria Briceno Martin at Lakes Eyecare Center would like to invite you to our family practice

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Are you looking for a board certified eye doctor in or near Coconut Grove Miami, Florida? If you are! Then, is it more than likely that you will do what the majority of local residents in Coconut Grove Miami do! They go to Yahoo in search of the best eye doctor in Coconut Grove Miami. With that said it is important to point out that many polls show that families searching for Ophthalmologist Directory often end up with an inferior service than those whose seek out for referrals from neighbors. This is because as of late many of Coconut Grove Miami eye doctor count on SEO agencies to provide them with fake reviews. One thing you can’t fake is credentials and that is what Dr. Maria Briceno Martin at Lakes Eye Care Center bring to the table. Families in both Broward and Miami-Dade travel to Miami Lakes to see her because they expect getting nothing but the best a eye doctor in or near Coconut Grove Miami, FL can offer… …and if you have not see an eye doctor as of late may be you should.

Should You Receive An Eye Exam

In order to make your eyes as healthy as possible, you will need to spend time and money in regular eye exams. Below, we shall go over some items that you must think through when getting one; who to see, and when it should be done. Below are some facts to contemplate.

  1. Personal Health History – Probably the most significant things that you will need to consider while you are deciding whether or not to get an eye test and what sort of eye exam, would be your family history. You should add in your family health history if you are trying to figure out if you should get one because a great deal of eye diseases and conditions may be passed down from generations. In case your family has a record of eye diseases, you might be at increased risk also.
  2. Vision Problems – Should you be having problems seeing, whether it’s daytime or nighttime, you must get an eye test done. In doing so, it will be easy to determine what has caused your vision to be blurry. This can be something that you should be taking very seriously as it could worsen if not dealt with.
  3. How Old You Are – The older you get, the greater the chances you will have some eye issues which will need to be resolved.While a lot more youngsters are finding their vision failing whether as a result of over use of mobile devices or something else, you are generally going to have to go to the eye doctor much more frequently as you get older. Folks who are between 18 and 60 ought to have a minimum of one eye exam every 2 years. Whereas, those that are 61 and older ought to have a yearly eye test.
  4. Prior Eye Injuries – Another huge point that you must consider with regards to figuring out if it’s worth getting a test is whether you have a background of eye injuries that could leave you vunerable to eye degeneration.

Who Could Examine You?

You can find different varieties of eye care experts that you can choose from. Following, we are going to be going over ways to identifying who you should see.

  1. Optometrists – He or She is typically who you ought to see if you have rather healthy vision and you just need simple corrections and adjustments such as spectacles, contacts, etc. They are going to be capable of treating eye diseases too, however they may not likely be trained or licensed to perform surgery.
  2. Ophthalmologists – These are medical doctors that specialize in specific eye care and will be licensed and taught to perform eye surgery of a particular nature. They will also be more appropriate to help remedy many types of eye diseases and conditions.
  3. Opticians – They are not medical doctors. These are eye care experts who were taught to fitting glasses.

Overall, there is a lot that you ought to be considering when you are wanting to get your eyes looked at. Ideally, you need to have them looked at routinely and every so often. Should you be someone who has a specific condition or maybe you are at higher risk for a specific degenerative eye condition, you should increase your visits to be much more frequent. when it is all said and done we only have one vision and it is imperative that we take care of it! For more info about the role of an eye doctor please, take a look at our blog where we talk about thing like Optica. And if you have not visited your Coconut Grove Miami eye doctor lately contact us. We will love to show you why families who seek the best optometrist in Coconut Grove Miami aren’t satisfied with nothing but the best…

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Eyelashes and Eyebrows

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Unlike other hair in the human body, Eyebrows and eyelashes are prominent and are not diminished over time. They are eye accessories which give a good appearance to our eyes. The question here is what the function of eyebrows and eyelashes is, and why we have this type of hair above and around the eyes?

Eyebrows were found to remove moisture from eyes and play a role in identifying individuals. The area around the eyes is curved and the presence of eyebrows as a fine hair around the eyes is believed to move away unwanted moisture such as rain and sweat from eyes for a clear vision. Eyebrows are directed in a way to facilitate the movement of the moisture to sides around the eyes and sides of the head. They are also involved in filtering dust avoiding its fall inside the eyes and protect against light. There are some diseases due to hormonal disturbances or autoimmunity that may cause hair loss in the eyebrows. These diseases are lupus and hypothyroidism.

Apart from biological functions of the eyebrows, they are an integral part of communications and facial expressions. Individuals can use their eyebrows to express their happiness, anger and surprise. Some researchers found that they can be a potent indicator to recognize identity even more than the eyes themselves.

Eyelashes are hairs that surround eyes and grow in the edge of the eyelids. They have an important function of protecting eyes from dust and debris that may cause irritation and disrupt the field of vision. They are also sensitive to anything that come near to the eyes such as insects and stimulate the auto-reflex of blinking to guard the eyes and keep them well hydrated as well. Eyelashes are a unique type of body hair and keeping them healthy is crucial for a healthy eye and clear vision. The role of eyelashes to avoid eye dryness is significant. They decrease the evaporation of tears from inside the eyes keeping them well lubricated. Having a problem with this can cause eye dryness, irritation, infection and injuries. There are some diseases associated with eyelashes such as trichiasis, blepharitis and styes.

It is now clear how keeping healthy eyebrows and eyelashes is important for your eyes. So, it is recommended to avoid cosmetic hair removal which may cause a loss of their hair. It becomes common now to tint eyebrows and eyelashes which are not advisable as it may be risky. Sometimes, a glaucoma drug called Bimatoprost can be used to increase the length and thickness of eyelashes which can lead to unwanted side effects.

If you want to improve the health of your eyebrows and make them grow thicker in a natural way, you can apply castor oil using a cotton bud. Then use your fingers to massage your brows to improve blood flow and enhance their growth. You can leave the oil over your eyebrows overnight and wash it gently in the morning.

Who knew they were so busy??

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