Eyeglass Frames near Westland

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Looking for Eyeglass Frames near Westland? Dr. Maria Briceño Martin at Lakes Eye Care would like to offer you an invitation to check out at our state of the art service. Nowadays, it is not as easy to make a clear distinction in services provided when it comes to Eyeglass Frames near Westland. That fact is that not all eye doctors near Westland are the same, there for you should do the same research when looking for eyeglass frames as if you was looking to hire a dentist, in some cases even more so, since your vision could be damage forever. Don’t matter if you’re searching for Eyeglass Frames in Mid-Beach Miami Beach or in Western Hills Estates give Miami Lakes Eye Care an opportunity to show you why we are the best regarded eye clicnic in the area.

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Become part of the family, come see why Miami Lakes Family Eye Care is the top choice for Eyeglass Frames near Westland…

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How Regularly Should You Have Eye Exams?

There are plenty answers in relation to knowing how frequently you must get eye exams. In order to know what you need to consider getting in the form of eye exams, we’re here to help you. The following is some information about how often you need to get the eyes examined from a eye doctor.

A great deal of eye specialist will show you that you require an eye test at least one time a year. Some claim that once or twice each year is better, specifically if you have any issues that require your eyes to be considered for stuff like damage done to them through your condition. Take your eye wellbeing seriously because if you do not, they can get in worse condition. The more you wait around for an eye test, the greater your chances will be to face problems you will not even see coming.

You now have a solid idea of how often you need to get eye examinations. You should be sure you are going in at least one time a year or even more when you have health problems that require more regular visits. Locate an optometrist in your area and go see them right away in the event you haven’t had a checkup in a while. And remember that Miami Lakes Family Eye Care is the top option if you are in need Eyeglass Frames near Westland.

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The Perfect Diet for Perfect Visions

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They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but in reality, they portray the very foundation of what we put into our bodies. People rarely think nutrition plays into our eyesight, but the simple fact is, what we eat determines how we see. To avoid common eye diseases caused by poor diet, such as cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and even glaucoma, you need to change the way you eat. It’s time to open your eyes and discover 5 foods that will boost your vision’s health. Let’s begin!

Eggs: Eggs are nature’s multivitamin. As such, they provide great nutrients to nourish the cornea. Eggs contain zinc, lutein, and vitamin A, all of which lower the chance of manifesting an eye-related illness or condition. Additionally, zinc can even help you see better at night. Did you hear that? Eat lots of eggs, and you may develop your own superpower!

Almonds: The almond milk craze may help you lose weight, but a better benefit lies within what it can do to your vision. Almonds contain lots of vitamin E which is suitable for preserving the eyes from macular degeneration. It also improves cognitive function, which can help boost the ability to process what you see faster.

Greens: Kale and spinach may taste gross to some, but they can illuminate the way you see the world. Much like eggs, leafy green contains lutein, but also have zeaxanthin present which can prevent many common vision disorders and illnesses.  Green, plant-based forms of nutrient do wonders to lower your risk of long-term eye disease.

Turkey: When it’s not Thanksgiving, we seldom crave turkey, but the lean meat can aid our quest to maintain eye health. In addition to zinc, turkey also contains niacin, which is a natural body detoxing agent. Niacin also is known to help prevent cataracts. Turkey is the perfect snack to protect your eyes and improves your retina function.

Chia Seeds: This small supplement fits great in a smoothie and is digested without any notices or gross taste. It makes the perfect ingredient to add to your diet if you are looking for an easy to pick up lifestyle habit. Chia seeds go well on yogurt too and contain Omega 3s which provide a lot of the same defense as other foods discussed. Omega-3 fatty acids also decrease high eye pressure and prevent dry eye syndrome.

And there you have it, 5 foods that will help you see tomorrow in a new way. Food is the crucial component to your overall health, not to mention your eyesight. As we age, our eyes naturally start to degenerate, leaving us wishing we could see the world how we used to see it. With proper dieting and a couple of key ingredients, your eyes can finally rest knowing your nutrition habits are ideal. If you think your vision is on the decline, don’t hesitate to reach out to us, your eye care specialists, and we will be happy to evaluate you and get you back on the right track. Contact us today.

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