Spectacles in 33016

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In search of Spectacles in 33016? Miami Lakes Family Eye Care Center would like to extend you an invitation to take a look at our state of the art office. In this day and age of social media judgement it has become difficult to compare apples to apples when it comes to Spectacles in 33016. That truth is that not all eye doctors in 33016 are created equal, there for you should do the same due diligence when searching for spectacles as if you was trying to hire a pediatrician, in some cases even more so, since god only gave us two eyes. If you are looking for Spectacles in South Miami or in Imperial Point Fort Lauderdale give Dr. Maria Briceño Martin at Lakes Family Eye Care an opportunity to show you why we are the best regarded optometrist in Miami Lakes…

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Become part of the family, come and experience why Dr. Maria Briceño Martin at Lakes Eye Care is the top choice for Spectacles in 33016…Contact us at (305) 456-7313

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How Frequently Do You Need To Have Eye Tests?

There are many responses with regards to knowing how frequently you should get eye examinations. In order to know what you should consider getting in the form of eye exams, we’re here to help you. The following is some information on how often you must get your eyes examined from a professional.

Lots of professional will explain that you must have an eye exam at least one time each year. Some say that a couple of times annually is way better, especially if you have conditions that require your eyesight to be investigated for things such as damage done to them from your health issue. Take your eye wellbeing seriously since if you don’t, they could become in worse shape. The more you wait around for an eye examination, the more likely you are to face troubles you will not even have considered.

You now have a solid idea of how regularly you need to get eye examinations. You ought to be sure you are going in one or more times each year or even more if you have health issues which require more regular visits. Locate an optometrist in your area and go visit them without delay if you have not had a eye exam for a while. And don’t forget that Dr. Maria Briceño Martin at Lakes Eye Care Center is the top option if you are in need Spectacles in 33016.

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Makeup Users and Eye Health Problems

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Eyes are the most delicate and sensitive organ of the body and it is essential to protect eyes from the external toxic substances. Many women these days spend a lot of time and money on eye cosmetics to gain confidence and to enhance their beauty. Though we are busy trying to look more beautiful at times, we fail to realize the harmful effects of the products that are being used in our daily life. Eye makeup can aggravate many eye problems like irritation, dry eyes, infections, and redness. One of the most common effects of makeup products is dry eyes as these cosmetics can migrate on the surface of eyes and into the tear film. These harmful cosmetic products thin out the oily layer of tear film allowing faster evaporation of tears. If the makeup is not applied appropriately around the eyes it can cause following eyes related problems:

Eye Infections: Makeup around the eyes should not be applied for a long duration. Inappropriate and prolonged application of makeup more than the recommended duration can make the eyes puffy and red. To prevent such a situation, it is mandatory to change the makeup product over time and clean the makeup brushes and applicators d regularly to remove the bacteria and other pathogens from their surfaces. Most common eye infections include bacterial conjunctivitis. Always take note of the expired date and stop using the expired products.

Allergy: Cosmetic products contain several allergens like nickel and oxides of iron that are present in preservatives and fragrances. It is always recommended to avoid using makeup products that contain toxic heavy metals like cadmium, mercury, nickel, lead, and selenium. One should use natural products instead of these toxic cosmetics.

Inadvertent mechanical injury: One must be cautious while using makeup around the eyes. Accidental trauma to eyes can often lead to corneal abrasion. Corneal injury can further serve as a route of entry for various pathogens.

Damage to conjunctiva: Makeup products and makeup remover can form a coating over the conjunctival surface thereby destroying the goblet cells that produce the mucin to prevent eyes from drying.

Impact on the contact lenses: Makeup product debris can bind to the surface of contact lenses thus causing discomfort and irritation.

Pigmentation of skin and conjunctiva: Conjunctival and skin pigmentation can occur due to the deposition of cosmetic debris.

Blockage of nasolacrimal ducts: Use of cosmetic products like mascara lead to obstruction of nasolacrimal ducts that can cause increased tearing in that eye along with infection and inflammation.

The following precautions should be taken to protect the eyes from artificial cosmetic products:

Cosmetic products should be applied outside the lash line and never be applied over the oil glands at the edges of upper and lower eyelids.

Always use products that are paraben-free and remove cosmetic products before going to bed.

Always make use of clean brushes and applicators to keep a check on eye infections.

I know it’s difficult at times, but the safer you are with your cosmetics the less chance you’ll have of developing any eye conditions from your everyday make-up use.

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Spectacles in 33016 Searching for Spectacles in 33016? A great number of families with kids that use glasses will tell you to call Dr. Maria Briceño Martin at Lakes Eye Care. A board certified eye doctor pratice known not only as a leading spectacles provider but a place where you can go for anything concerning your eyes. From Glasses and Contact Lenses to Spectacles - Dr. Maria Briceño Martin at Lakes Eye [...]
