Our Children and their Eyes

As adults, we may be perfectly aware of our vision. We know what to expect from our eyes, so when they get in the way of simple, daily tasks, like reading and writing, we can spot the difference. However, for our children, they seldom know their eyesight may be standing in the way of their academic excellence. Roughly 80% of children learn information visually. Typically, when children mature into young adulthood, this is [...]

2018-10-15T17:38:06+00:00Eye Care|

Common questions regarding Medical Insurance and Vision Plans

We receive numerous calls on a daily basis asking questions about their insurance or bills. I decided to answer a few of the questions that kept popping up to help patients understand more about how insurance works, and why it’s important to understand your benefits before you come into the office.  Many patients do not know that they are able to use their medical insurance for their eye exam, and although they may [...]

Simple Rules to having healthy eyes

Keeping eyes healthy and educating people on the importance of eye health and routine checkups is a passion of mine and one of the main driving forces that helped me become the person and doctor I am today.  This is one of my favorite topics because eye health is a very overlooked topic that should actually be incorporated into your yearly physicals. I believe and I’m sure you do as well, consider your [...]

2018-06-19T18:21:43+00:00Eye Care, Eye Health|

What is blue light and should I care?

Blue Light.  You’ve heard the term, but maybe didn’t really think too much about it.  You’ve heard rumors of digital devices being bad for your eyes but thought it’s probably not happening to me. Well, if your one of millions of people who spend numerous hours in front of the computer, tablet, tv, phone (yes, your phone) or some sort of digital screen your probably causing damage to your eyes without even knowing [...]

2018-06-19T17:50:14+00:00Eye Care|