Polarized lenses

Polarized lenses have become quite popular in recent years. But, are they really worth it? Do they have more benefits? While normal sunglasses can be inexpensive, polarized glasses are expensive and you would want to know if investing in them is worth it. In this article let us talk about what polarized lenses are and what are the advantages of wearing them. We receive many benefits from the sun. But, sunlight can pose [...]

2020-02-10T21:34:33+00:00Eye Care|

Myopia and methods to control

Myopia is also known as nearsightedness in which a person can see objects nearby clearly, but has difficulty seeing objects farther away. The far objects are visualized blurred and unclear. Myopia occurs when the shape of the eyes causes the light rays that enter the eyes bend or refract in a way that it forms the image in front of the retina instead of itself. The two major reasons for this are long [...]

2020-02-03T22:39:12+00:00Eye Care|

Blepharitis and Lid Hygiene

Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eyelid. It is a common disease that equally affects both women and men. The chance of developing this disease increases with age. The average age of people who develop this disease is about 50 years. A statistical report from American ophthalmologists says that 37 % of their patients had blepharitis. Different types of blepharitis: Blepharitis is of various types, depending on the affected area. With anterior blepharitis, the outer [...]

2020-02-03T18:00:46+00:00Eye Care|

Eyelashes and Eyebrows

Unlike other hair in the human body, Eyebrows and eyelashes are prominent and are not diminished over time. They are eye accessories which give a good appearance to our eyes. The question here is what the function of eyebrows and eyelashes is, and why we have this type of hair above and around the eyes? Eyebrows were found to remove moisture from eyes and play a role in identifying individuals. The area around [...]

2019-08-26T23:43:09+00:00Eye Care|

Seasonal Allergy And Eye Problems

Seasonal allergies or hay fever are allergic conditions that occur in specific seasons in the year affecting your body causing some allergy symptoms. The reason for this condition may be an exposure to pollen particles released from trees, weeds and grasses. As a result, individuals who are hypersensitive to these particles respond by releasing a substance in their body called as histamine. The degree of symptoms and response to these allergens can vary [...]

2019-08-26T23:29:42+00:00Eye Care|

How To Take Care Of Your Glasses

Prescription glasses are not only that expensive, but they are also very fragile. They can break easily, they can get scratched or they can lose their proprieties if not cleaned correctly. In this article we will get into details on how to take care of your glasses in order to have them last longer, and what things you should avoid. Let’s begin with what you should DO: Clean the lenses on a regular [...]

2019-02-20T18:46:56+00:00Eye Care|

All You Need To Know About Refractive Errors

The human eye is a complex organ and various structure need to function perfectly in order for you to have a great vision. But things are not always perfect and certain things might not work as they should. Today we will take a closer look into the types of refractive errors, their causes, symptoms, and treatments. But first let’s take a closer look at the components of the eye that help you have [...]

2019-02-12T21:57:17+00:00Eye Care|

Anatomy of the Eye

Let’s dive into the different layers of the eye and see what gives us this amazing thing we call sight.  I’m going to nerd this one out and take you right back to the classroom.  The organ of vision is the most important of all the human senses because a person receives about 80% of information about the outside world through the eyes.  It really is a truly amazing sense if you’re lucky [...]

Bad Contact Lens Practices and Care

We all do it. When we are busy with daily life, seldom do we remember to follow healthy habits. This is especially true when it comes to our contact lens. While our contact lenses essentially transform our vision, when not used as directed by our eye care specialist, we can definitely do significant damage to our precious peepers. Let’s start by understanding what bad habits lead to poor contact lens care, but then [...]

2018-10-15T17:39:01+00:00Eye Care|

Importance of eye protection in the workplace and during sports

It’s hard to avoid places where we are not vulnerable to injury. This is especially true about our eyes. Because our eyes are extremely sensitive to physical contact, and trauma can certainly pose a great risk to our eyesight, we must protect our eyes. While the everyday person may not need to worry about extreme eye protection, a person finding themselves in an active environment may need to take extra precautions to avoid [...]

2018-10-15T17:39:08+00:00Eye Care|