Our Blog2018-09-03T21:27:37+00:00

Lakes Family Eye Care Blog

Thank you for visiting our blog to learn more about comprehensive eye care. We will also post articles from our point of view on vision correction, eye care, choosing spectacles. We will also let you know how vision correction is progressing in the world. We will let you know about the latest in eye care and treatment for your entire family as we are a family owned and operated eye care office providing professional eye care services for your entire family including kids, teens, adults and even the elderly.

All You Need To Know About LASIK

Have been thinking about LASIK?  Are you still not sure exactly what it’s all about?  We’ve put together some of the basic, but most important, information you need to know to help you make that decision.  Also, make sure to consult your eye care professional to really get a clear picture of what LASIK is and what to expect during your procedure.  The cornea is the part of the eye that focuses the [...]

How To Take Care Of Your Glasses

Prescription glasses are not only that expensive, but they are also very fragile. They can break easily, they can get scratched or they can lose their proprieties if not cleaned correctly. In this article we will get into details on how to take care of your glasses in order to have them last longer, and what things you should avoid. Let’s begin with what you should DO: Clean the lenses on a regular [...]

All You Need To Know About Refractive Errors

The human eye is a complex organ and various structure need to function perfectly in order for you to have a great vision. But things are not always perfect and certain things might not work as they should. Today we will take a closer look into the types of refractive errors, their causes, symptoms, and treatments. But first let’s take a closer look at the components of the eye that help you have [...]

All You Need to Know About Eye Allergies

We all know that annoying feeling of having something in your eyes. But if there is nothing in there, yet you still have red, itchy and irritated eyes, then you might have an allergy. The symptoms of an eye allergy include: red eyes itches burning eyes sneezing a stuffy or a runny nose watery eyes (tears) swollen eyelids What Causes Eye Allergies? It is estimated that in the United States around 50 million people [...]

Miami Lakes Optometrists Explains Eye Flashes & Floaters

I’m sure you’ve had them your whole life, or you are just recently starting to see them.  Those little black fuzzy things floating around your eye.  These pesky critters are commonly known as floaters.  Eye floaters are one of the common problems that affect people of age above 50. These floaters are tiny moving bits that appear in your eye. They can be prominent when you are looking at something of bright color. [...]

Anatomy of the Eye

Let’s dive into the different layers of the eye and see what gives us this amazing thing we call sight.  I’m going to nerd this one out and take you right back to the classroom.  The organ of vision is the most important of all the human senses because a person receives about 80% of information about the outside world through the eyes.  It really is a truly amazing sense if you’re lucky [...]

Dry Eyes After Menopause

Menopause is the duration of life after your period stops due to hormonal changes. During this period several health-related issues may appear due to the hormonal disturbances that occur in your body.  Estrogen is the name of a sex hormone which tends to decrease during your menopause. One common problem due to this can be dry eyes. It is a condition when your eyes produce smaller amounts of tears, so you may suffer [...]

Pink Eye – 101

‘Pink eye’ is a term used to describe conjunctivitis – inflammation of the thin mucous membrane that covers the front surface of the eye as well as the inside of the eyelids. The conjunctiva is normally transparent, but sometimes due to an infection or an allergic reaction it becomes inflamed and turns pink or even red. One or both eyes can be affected, and the change of color is accompanied with other unpleasant [...]

Styes 101

A stye is a red, painful bump on your eyelids which is caused by bacteria that normally live on your skin and inside your nose.  It develops when the oil-producing glands in your eyelids get blocked for some reason, and that creates perfect conditions for these bacteria to thrive and produce pus. Depending on its size and whether it is located on the interior or the exterior side of your eyelids, you may [...]